Saw Rex Grossman today
He was standing outside the Park Hyatt hotel at 800 N. Michigan at about 7ish with a dashing blomde (who I'll assume was his wife) in a fine suit. It looked like they were waiting for an hotel attendant to flag them a cab or for a driver to pick them up. Rex was leaning up against the exterior wall of the hotel with his back mostly turned to the sidewalk. He was bending over the blonde, who was looking out onto the street.
I recognized it was somebody I recognized right away — like a guy I went to college with or met at the bars a couple weeks ago — and I almost stopped and said "hey" before realizing that he was somebody I only knew from watching TV and reading the newspaper. It's kind of funny how, for a moment when you see a celebrity of some sort in real life your first reaction is "hey, I know that person," when in reality you've never actually met that person.
So I kept walking. I assume him having his back turned to the street was a conscious effort, as I can't imagine he's somebody who wants to be noticed in public these days. There's likely two different types of people who would say something to Grossman on the street: Annoying superfans who'll want to stop and talk with him, go on and on about how great this year's team was and ask him for an autograph. Or asshole superfans that'll tell him how much they think he sucks and that he should get the fuck out of town.
Either way he loses.
Though technically, judging by the hotness of the blonde he was with and the fact he can probably spend every night of the off-season at posh five-star hotels downtown, he still pretty much wins.
Fucking NFL quarterbacks. Even when they're pariahs in the cities which they play in their lives are better than the rest of ours.