Sunday, February 17, 2008

This world is full of fucking weirdos

About two months ago, a guy walks into the Starbucks at Paulina and Division a couple blocks from my place. He's was a decent-looking fellow: clean, well dressed, looked like he was of distant Eastern European decent. He steps in, looks around, walks straight up to me and goes into some spiel about how he works at the Drake Hotel downtown, but he's out of money or something and he needs money from me and he'll leave his wallet with me while he goes and does whatever it is he needs to do with the money I give him, then pay me when he gets back.

After listening to about 30 seconds of his bullshit I just tell him I'm busy with work and that I can't help him. And he leaves.

About two weeks ago, he walks into the same Starbucks, scans the place, then walks straight up to me and goes in with the exact same routine.

"No, man, I'm sorry," just as he goes into the routine.

He gets a frustrated look on his face, stammers for a moment, then leaves.

I look over with amazement to my buddy who I'm sitting working with.

"That guy just tried pulling that same stunt with me about a month ago. Can you believe that? What a fucking weirdo."

Less than a week later from that, as I'm sitting by the front window of the same Starbucks, I see him pull up and get out of a shiny new black Pontiac. It looked like about a $25,000 automobile. He walks right into the Starbucks and again, approaches me.

"Dude, you just pulled the same shit with less than a week ago!" I say incredulously.

This time, before he's able to get a frustrated look on his face and stammers for a moment, the store manager came out from behind the bar hollering at him.

"I told you before, damn it, I see you in here again I'm kicking you out. Get out!"

The scurveball shakes his head, goes back out to his shiny black sedan and leaves.

"That's the third time in less than two months that guy's pulled that routine with me," I tell the manager and another employee as they watch him leave.

"He's in here all the time..." one of them replied.

As I sat there watching him pull off I got the feeling it's some sort of weird compulsive thing. Where, like, the dude just can't resist trying to scam people. If he's out in public he can't help it. He doesn't even need the money. He could lead an otherwise normal life, just, whenever he leaves the house, he can't help himself from trying to get money from passersby.

It's pretty fucked up, and I bet he pulls the same shit again in the next couple weeks.


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