Thursday, May 03, 2007

Today didn't start off great. Had a women call me pissed off about a story I'd written about her for my day job site. She said I should be ashamed of myself for what I do, said that if she ever gets assaulted by somebody outside of her home she's going to publicly blame it all on me, called me an asshole and hung up on me.

Later that night while trying to decorate my room, I break a piece of glass art my girlfriend made me a couple months back. It was a tiny fused glass rendition of the Chicago skyline, and it's one of the nicest/cutest things anybody has ever made for me. I stupidly put it up on the wall only partially fastened, took my hand off it for a second to grab another tack and CRASH, it shattered all over the floor.

Pissed, I grab my coat, my ipod and headed for a walk.

My apartment now is much closer to downtown that the last one, so if I walk a few blocks to the East I feel like I'm walking straight into downtown. When viewing the skyline from this distance (far back enough to get a panoramic view but too close to see its base) the skyline looks like an elevated mass, as though the buildings were on land at a higher elevation than where your standing. You feel like you're looking at a mountain with big buildings on it instead of a cluster or supertall buildings built from the same elevation you're at.

As I approach the great gash in the city that is the Dan Ryan Expressway from Milwaukee Avenue, the skyline exposes itself to me like the breasts of a well endowed woman unstrapping a front hook bra. I couldn't help but smile.

Seeing the beauty of this majestic urban horizon in real life made me forget about the glass version of it I'd just foolishly broken.


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